

The Centre will be managed by experienced waste and recycling operator, Breen Resources.

Materials will be consolidated at an external Breen Resources site before being transported to Brownlow Hill.

All materials to be received on site will be dry and inert, and will not generate odour or impact the soil.

Materials will include items such as:

  • Aggregate

  • Bricks

  • Concrete

  • Timber

  • Cardboard

  • Building materials and fittings

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Recycling & Landfill

The centre will be designed to make positive contributions to NSW’s circular economy by enabling the reuse of construction materials for local projects and supporting the area’s need for prudent waste management solutions

Any residual (non-recyclable) materials that cannot be recycled will be sent to the landfill, which will utilise best-practice environmental controls.

The quarry will be lined for environmental protection prior to rehabilitation.

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Once the void has been filled and the contours resemble the surrounding landscape, capping of the landfill will occur and the area will be rehabilitated with a new plantation of Cumberland Plain Woodland. This will serve as a habitat corridor for native species and help to preserve this rare ecological community for generations to come.