
About Brownlow Hill.

Brownlow Hill has been home to the Downes family since Jeremiah Downes first arrived in Australia in 1859 – a time when the Camden area was the food basket for the Sydney colony. While almost all of the early farms are now suburbs or lifestyle blocks, Brownlow Hill is still owned and operated by the Downes family after more than 155 years and six generations.



Over this time, the family’s passion for the environment and commitment to diversification has enabled it to overcome the threats of coal seam gas mining, falling milk prices and the perennial droughts, floods and fires, to preserve and conserve the natural beauty and uniqueness of the local area.


Bio Banking.

That commitment is clearly demonstrated through Brownlow Hill’s inclusion in the NSW Government’s Biodiversity Conservation Trust, where the Downes family have irreversibly and permanently locked up 140 hectares, with another 163 currently being processed, for conservation and rehabilitation. This will ensure one of the last remaining areas of Cumberland Plain Woodlands, approximately one-third of the farm, will be preserved in perpetuity.